We provide strategic and technical advisory services to support public and private sector partners in strengthening and developing their M&E frameworks and policies
We help stakeholders manage and use high-quality data to make evidence-informed decisions by

M&E capacity

guiding formative
and pilot studies

Strengthening data
collection practices

Developing Theory of
Change and

Guiding the
commissioning of
external evaluations
We work with governments, donors, and civil society organisations, among others to provide technical assistance customised to their needs.
Department of Evaluation and Applied Research (DEAR), Government of Tamil Nadu.
The Department of Evaluation and Applied Research (DEAR) is the main monitoring and evaluation institution of the Government of Tamil Nadu state in India. DEAR manages and commissions evaluations of development programmes in the state and provides inputs to policy and budget decisions.
We developed a technical advisory plan for DEAR based on an extensive needs assessment. As part of the advisory plan, we:
- Organised a series of capacity building workshops on the basics of monitoring and evaluation, including developing a Theory of Change, selecting indicators, and managing large-scale evaluations.
- Developed a Terms of Reference to commission external evaluations and outsource data collection to institute a systematic selection process.
- Provided recommendations on research methodologies for evaluations conducted by DEAR.
- Developed state-level evaluation guidelines for the department staff to conduct high-quality evaluations.
- Supported the adoption of digital data collection methods
Central Square Foundation
The Central Square Foundation (CSF) is a non-profit organisation which funds and partners with social impact organisations to improve education outcomes.
We worked closely with CSF and its grantees to improve their capacity to apply M&E concepts to programme design, evaluation, and support their decision-making on grant disbursement. We organised customised capacity building workshops and provided technical guidance on:
- The application of monitoring and evaluation concepts through the use of practical examples, case-studies, and interactive sessions
- Creating a Theory of Change to inform M&E frameworks and future decision-making
- The development of indicators and standardised measurement tools in education
- Built capacity of CSF staff to facilitate effective Theory of Change sessions with future grantees